Thursday, June 3, 2010

It's... June!

Hello, everyone (if you're reading this anyway, if not then well... bye! lol)!

I trust y'all's weekends were wonderful and filled with some R&R time. I know that mine was eventful, what with my cousin's graduation and all that that entails (*cough* lots of driving *cough*). And yes, to any of you polite readers who may want to know, the graduation went very well! She didn't trip, but she ALMOST did, which calls for an amazing round of applause on her part. Her brother-in-law suggested she take her "walking stick" with her when she walked across the field to retrieve her diploma. Unfortunately for my cousin, those antics of hers are not allowed in sophisticated ceremonies such as these! Even though I was murmuring in agreement with him (hee hee, love you Em).

Anyway, I thought I should post a short(ish) blog for the kick off of June. Since, let's face it, I've only been doing a post once a week on my records of this writing process. June is a lovely month! Full of sunshine, and summery solstices, and just june-buggy good times! Hmmm, I'm sure there are plenty of things happening this month. Especially in the Stephenie Meyer field! Can I hear a yay for The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner and a huzzah for the Eclipse movie coming out on the 30th? How about a few polite thumbs up[s] for one of my best friends travelling all the way across the country to come visit me?! *yay! huzzah! thumbs up!*

In the literary world, other than the wonderful addition to the Twilight Saga(bare with me if you're not a fan, I'll excuse you for now), another book about werewolves is coming out on the 22nd! It's called 13 to Life: A Werewolf's Tale by Shannon Delany. Yay! I love love love werewolves (as you know).

In the movie world, Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief comes out on DVD this month, ALSO on the 22nd, I believe! I'm excited for that one too (I heart Logan Lerman (and no, I'm not 14, but I DO admire his acting abilities)).

So, now that I've digressed all that is happening in the outside world in the wonderful month of June, let's discuss this blog!

So far, this journey has not been easy... Technically I should be moving onto the plot and characters section of writing a novel, but I'm still stuck in Research. Yes, I'm still researching... Bah! If I'm being honest, I'll probably be researching through-out this whole process. Lucky me, right? Besides, I have the characters already down pat, but now I need to focus on the plot. Holly Lisle has this excellent technique with flashcards that I've been wanting to try (I'll post the link at the end of this post) and if you're willing to spend a little cash, Abra Ebner has a book called The Author's Outline... it's around 120 pages of fill in the blank to help writers outline their books. I've been using it and it's crazy good! Thus, begins the plotting part of this whole thing.

Now I shall leave you with this question...

Are you a fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants kind of writer? Or are you a plotter?

Suspenseful, isn't it???

We'll come back to this next post! Which will be posted-ed-ed soon!

And here's that link I promised from Holly Lisle's site:

Here's a link to Amazon if you're interested in Abra Ebner's outline help book as well:

Agh, sorry the links are so long... I'm new to this whole thing lol.


  1. June is busy isn't it? WoW, I hadn't realized all that's coming out...better get out my calander! LoL!

  2. I WANTED to take the stick but they search us as soon as we walk in darn it
